R&B is the only DMC in Arabia to have operating the sustainability tool called GABI which has been created by TLC Total Life Cycle (Wales).

Tourism provides 10% of World GDP (UNEP) And produces 8% of man made Climate Gases (Nature).
Tourism is described as the largest voluntary transfer of resources to the developing world (BBC & Guardian).
GABI - Greenhouse Gas and Biodiversity Impact & value tool.
GABI - Measures Climate and Biodiversity Harm - including Scope 3 supply and value chains.The majority of software in operation today to measure sustainability does not include Scope 3, which is the global standards organization; Green House Gas Protocol.

Planet Tip® - Giving back to Nature and Tackling Climate and Biodiversity Harm –
Total Life Cycle (TLC) introduces to tourism, hotels and hospitality, the Planet Tip®, a science based, price calculation of the environmental harms caused by the goods and services we buy and use.
The Planet Tip is calculated by our proprietary software, GABI® where hotels, resorts, businesses and even customers, can use to show how much carbon dioxide, and biodiversity harm is linked to their holiday, hotel room, event, travel, or even the meal they ate dining out.
Now R&B can provide analytic, and data driven technology solutions to our MICE clients, that is simple to use and results in the engagement of the groups participants to contribute to local sustainability action, or their own sustainable projects.
The Planet Tip is calculated after the group has entered the data into our simple to use GABI software and it will then calculate a figure of possibly less than $4 each participant. This combined figure can go toward a sustainable project, which could be the groups favourite project or one that is ongoing by TLC Harmony.